Hello fellow divers I am a PADi Instructor who has the privledge of working to train injured Veterans to learn to Scuba dive in San Diego CA. I am so honored to work with Patriots for Disabled Divers and the Ocean Enterprises Foundation to help you all to accomplish your new mission to find peace beneath the surface. Scuba diving has pulled me through some very trying times in my life and I am aware of what beneits it offers to those willing to step outside of your comfort zone an djoin me for a little Submersion Diversion!
Shane Yost ,featured in the attached article is one of many Aspire program divers who took his Scuba experience to a whole new level! Check out his story here ! if you are ready to take the plunge reach out to us for direction. SEA you all in the near future and remember Salt Water heals everything! Shane you are amazing!
Kym PADI MSDT Veteran Liasion